How to take ownership of your personal brand.

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I love using my online presence to exchange ideas, engage, and share about the life Russell and I are building.  In the past I’ve used Facebook and Instagram. As of this week I’ve launched a new online presence! If you’re reading this post you have discovered my Digital Handshake

My friend and creative advisor at Charming Studios developed a new concept. I was immediately intrigued. She walked me through the Digital Handshake Method of authentically representing myself. I now have a platform I actually own, curated with the help of the Digital Handshake team. 

YES, this is different than a business website. (Visit mine here)

On Friday, I have the honor of speaking for our firm at a symposium in Chicago. The purpose is to highlight women in financial consulting. My topic is once again personal branding and marketing. I’ve worked with Laura from Charming Studios for over 6 years on developing my own version of personal branding and will be sharing the journey.

We begin in Chicago, then on to Indy, and Madison. At each stop I will be challenging our advisors on how show up authentically.

A previous firm meeting in Milwaukee had me questioning my methods before taking stage. My audience was slightly older men, and I was afraid my discussion on Facebook and Instagram would lack impact. To my shock, this talk received the most engagement of all of the speakers. 

I believe these fresh ideas will help you be more authentic online, and the trickle down effect will forever change your business practice! 

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I’m honored to be featured on Digital Handshake.


The HARD/EASY. A true story.