The HARD/EASY. A true story.

The idea of the Hard/Easy started at one of our firm’s annual meetings.  Our speaker, Rory Vaden, will probably never know the impact he made on the lives of my husband, Russell, and I.

To this day when we’re running through airports trying to catch a flight, Russell will “Take the Stairs” in honor of Rory’s book title.  I like to smile at Russell as I ride the escalator up, and he is panting while climbing the stairs.

The concept of the Hard/Easy is SO important.  If you do the hard thing today, it will be easier later.  Russell and I have applied this over and over in our lives, especially from a financial aspect.  Being spenders by nature, it’s easy for us to spend, and hard for us to save. 

We had a mindset shift when we learned to practice the Hard/Easy.  If we do the hard thing first, like saving, life will be easier later. 

We don’t hesitate to skim 20% off of our paychecks. As the checks come in we allocate them to short term, mid term, and long term buckets. When we need to purchase a car, build another duplex, or eventually retire, the money is there to do so. 

Denying yourself won’t be easy, but I promise, you will begin to enjoy the benefits of this mind-shift in a big way! 

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How to take ownership of your personal brand.